Saturday, March 14, 2015

Environmental agency: Greenpeace USA

Greenpeace "is the largest independent direct action environmental organization in the world." They defend nature, and investigate and expose environmental abuse. They also advocate for the rights of all people. Their campaigns include: Stopping global warming, defending our oceans, protecting our forests, save the arctic, no new nukes, safety from toxic chemicals, and promoting sustainable agriculture. They take action in situations that are dire and effect many people.
the social media platforms they use are:
Greenpeace on Twitter
Greenpeace on Pinterest
Greenpeace on Facebook
Greenpeace on YouTube
Greenpeace on Flickr
Greenpeace on Google+

One of Greenpeace's campaign was very successful. They were able to get Facebook to pledge to move away from coal.

Greenpeace argued that Facebook consumed A LOT of coal, so they started an "Unfriend Facebook" campaign. Many Facebook users participated in this, enough to actually get the companies attention. 

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