Sunday, February 15, 2015

Print ad, TV ad, Billboard

Print Ad
Natalie Portman as Miss Dior
Denotation: pretty white girl sitting on stairs covered in a soft purple. Looks like she's at home. Looking straight at camera. Brown-ish hair. Pink dress, its poofy with flowers on it. The dress is not completely on her, she's holding it up with her hands.Her back is bare.  Awkward hand almost touching her lips. The label "Miss Dior" in black cursive and "Blooming Bouquet." The perfume bottle has a bow on it and is clear/pink/outlined in black.  
Connotation: Natalie Portman IS miss Dior. By putting on this perfume, she is a beautiful girl who wears beautiful elegant dresses. The tones and color used in the picture is soft and pretty. the "typical" girly colors. The fact that she is staring at the camera, makes it seem like this is not an ad. Instead its someone who likes her taking her picture because she is so pretty. The perfume allows her to be who she is.
Mythology: The link between perfumes, and beauty products that make women feel more beautiful, or even more as a person. In today's world both men and women do rely on beauty products to feel better about themselves.
Iphone 5S-Strength
Denotation: A guy putting on music (somewhat upbeat) and jumping on the bed to wake up his partner, a woman swimming and using a device on her phone right after, a woman running on a hill using her phone, a guy checking his weight with an app on his phone, a girl watching her gymnastic performance from video recorded on the phone, two friends golfing and using the 5S to check their speed, a guy exercising on the beach, another at the gym, and a girl at the gym all using their phones. A parent at a soccer game using his phone to check the kids speed, A man on a bicycle using the phone, two friends racing and laughing, their phones visibly on their arms. They're running in front of the ocean. Good shots of gyms, beaches, and outdoor spaces where people usually exercise. At the end of the commercial, while the two are running next to the water, the words "You are more powerful than you think" appear. Then a final shot of the water and tall buildings in the background and it says "iphone 5s"
Connotation: If you're active you're a happy, healthy person. And if you're active, play sports, do any type of exercise, you should have the 5S because its going to help you with your active life style. No matter what type of sport or activity you engage in, you're going to need an iphone 5s to help improve the way you exercise.
Mythology: In today's society exercising is usually accompanied by some sort of technology. Whether its a simple ipod for music, or more advanced devices that can help you record your activities and help you better your performance.
Billboard Ad
Law and Order-Lamp post
Denotation: A dark room except for one lamp. The room has dark bricks as the walls.A black desk and a couple chairs around it. Two men. One  is wearing a collared shirt with a tie. Another, with a baggy black sweater, is sitting down at the desk, fidgeting his hands. The guy with the collared shirt is shining the light on the guy sitting down.
Connotation: A police officer/detective is interrogating a suspect.
Mythology: Law & Order is a popular TV show, and their TV show accurately portrays what its like to be a police officer or a suspect. It is known that police officers usually do conduct interviews in closed off rooms, putting a lot of pressure on the suspect.

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