Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#2-Superbowl Ads

I really liked the 2015 Super Bowl commercials. Some were funny, but there were a lot that were also powerful as well.

I had two favorites. The first was the T mobile and Kim Kardashian data commercial. I thought that was a really funny commercial, yet it wasn't too over the top either. Kim did a good job of being able to make fun of herself and the product, the data storage, was well represented.

Another commercial I liked was the No More's ad on domestic violence. Though it took a serious tone, it effectively represented an important issue that needs to be discussed. I think its great that they ran this during the super bowl because millions of people were able to see it.

There was some controversy as to why the commercials took a more serious tone. The word "buzz kill" was used a lot on social media  describing some of the ads. People especially didn't like Nation Wide's commercial about a young kid who died, advocating the dangers of household incidents. I however disagree and think that was an important commercial. Yes, people watch the Super Bowl for entertainment, but because so many people watch, its a great time for these important messages to be displayed for all to see.

Budweiser had a really cute commercial featuring a puppy and horse, but they also had another ad that created some buzz. The ad makes fun of certain people and certain drinks like "pumpkin peach ale." I did think the ad was a little funny, but after doing some  quick research I found it to be very hypocritical. Other companies that Budweiser is closely related to (even owned by) sell drinks like pumpkin peach ale, so it doesn't really make sense for Budweiser to target the company it came from. Also the commercial can be considered insulting. Not really a smart move if you want to get more customers.

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